Brian Strickland

Product Owner | AI Enthusiast | Developer

About Me

I am an experienced Product Owner and Developer with a strong background in both higher education and technology industries. My expertise lies in cloud computing, AI integration, and full stack development, with a focus on creating innovative solutions that enhance operational efficiency and user engagement.


AI Quick Feeds

This project was developed to streamline the process of accessing AI-related news by summarizing key articles using generative AI. The result is a user-friendly website that provides concise, relevant updates to users interested in AI advancements.

Twitter Integration with ChatGPT

Using Python, I designed an automated system that allows a storybook character to maintain an active Twitter presence. This project demonstrates the practical applications of AI in social media, engaging audiences through automated, character-driven interactions.

University Course and Curriculum Database (UC^2)

Designed and developed a system the enabled the Unversity to make and track changes for their degree programs and courses.

Great Thoughts Treausry

Developed a database of over 500K quotes across 10K authors. This web application evolved from running in Drupal 6, to Drupal 8 and eventually was decoupled into a MEAN stack microservices applicaiton running in Azure.


